i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Friday, May 2, 2008


i think that i need some kind of ADD medicine in order to get things done once i get home.

actually, i think that it would ultimately help me in the workplace as well, even at the restaurant that i currently work at, because of all the multi-tasking that it takes in order to get things done.

it also doesn't help that doing lunch and dinner shifts at the restaurant means that i am dog-tired by the time that i get home and it makes me not want to do anything except eat and nap.

i got a kitten.

she is certifiably insane.

all she wants to do is bite my hands, 24/7.

but she is super cute, and i named her Peppy. she makes me happy, she sleeps on my pillow next to my head and purrs whenever i move, that is her one redeeming quality. that, and the sheer fact that having her means that Seth can't say BOO about it because he had me resigned to the fact that i would never have a kitten or a cat because he was allergic.

sneeze on this Peppy, Seth! take some damn claritin and shut up!



Anonymous said...

I hear ya! If I didn't have my dog I would certainly get a cat. I gave up my cat because my ex was so allergic. Not sure that was the right choice....

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha....I needed that....!

