i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

8 things? only 8? ok!

my new friend Millie has tagged me to do a me-me of listing 8 things that i want to do before i die.

alright Millie, you asked for it. :)

8: live in a treehouse. swiss family robinson style.

7: visit Kakadu National Park in Australia, it was on NOVA 'Living Edens' on PBS when i was in 10 grade and it's been on my list ever since.

6: read the entire Bible, even the begats.

5: meet Oprah Winfrey (hopefully when she deals with my #1 list topper)

4: be asked to sing at a friend's wedding. hopefully after i've taken some serious voice lessons. *this is really 2 hopes combined into one list item.

3: join a pool league. i LOVE to play pool. i don't care if i totally don't fit in because i have all my teeth and i don't smoke, i love going to the dankest pool halls and playing pool for hours.

2: have children. i've always always always known that i am going to be the best mom ever.

1: write a bestseller and have it win awards like "Best New Author" etc. etc. :) DREAM BIG!

i'll tag who i want, but not right now......will come later....

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