i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

it's a holiday

opposed to last year, this Thanksgiving is going to be TONS better and more fun.

last year, i had been home, living with my mother and grandfather for a month.

last year, i was focused on how alone i was. how it was my first "single" thanksgiving in over 6 years.

last year, i was ready to crawl back into bed and not be present for any part of the festivities.

this year, i live in a new house, with my awesome roomie Carla.

this year, i have never had so many people that actually care about me.

this year, i am not thinking about how i am 'single'. i've been single for over 6 months now, which is fun. i'm still cautiously learning what it means for Lisa to be Lisa and not Lisa & ______. you know?

also, my younger sister and i took a 13 hour road trip to surprise our older sister Melodie up in Massachusetts. we schemed and connived a plan with her boyfriend so that we could walk in on them at a restaurant and totally surprise her. we did and she totally cried. it was awesome. being in the car for 13 hours would not be fun for most people, but with Sophie, it was totally fun, and it actually felt like a lot less than 13 hours. i freakin love my sisters. this turkey-day is already leaps and bounds above last year's thanksgiving. the best part is that i know that i had nothing to do with it, i am learning to be thankful to God that He is the one in control and that when i let go, He can totally work a miracle in my life.


Anonymous said...

Hi - it's awesome to hear you are doing so well. I'm really happy for you. This is the first time for me to be single in over six years too - it was definitely very diffuclt - but I am so thankful too that I have my family and friends - as well as God. But again, so glad to hear you doing so well.

Tonya said...

Yup, i think BOTH our lives are quite different from a year ago! (which is a good thing btw!)

K said...

Just came across your blog and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it. I'm not much older, live in the same area and I am also going through a divorce. Thanks for writing about it truthfully and honestly!

love-ly-sa said...

Millie-i am so glad you're back, glad to be reading your life again. ;)

Surfer-yes, things are SO different! i can't begin to tell you how much it helped to read your experiences on my dark nights.

K-i am so sorry that we are meeting under these awful circumstances, i hate that you are going through a divorce, but i can say, email me if you want to talk more: lifebythebook@gmail.com

glad you found my blog, can i ask how?

