i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Friday, March 7, 2008

it's in the freaking mail

so that he can finally shut up:

it's in the mail as of today Seth,

stop trying to remind me that

"it's kind-of important"

can't you just take a break from patronizing me for ONCE in your life Seth? just once. i cannot believe he still does this from 4 states away.


Anonymous said...

Aren't exes lovely? Mine didn't think I could "manage myself on mt own". As if I didn't manage before he knew me. Sheesh.

Two Date Diva said...

There is a reason the boy is an ex.

Tonya said...

It's very condescending for sure. like you can't decide for yourself what is important.

