i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Monday, March 3, 2008

reason # 29,347

tonight gave me reason #29,347 that i need to get new glasses once i start my new job (with medical insurance) next week.

if you have a queasy stomach, you should just skip the next paragraph.

i got food poisoning and i had to pull my car over and park it in an empty parking lot. i got out and got in the grass to where no one could see me retching my guts out [sorry for the visual]. well, i go forward a little to ensure that splattering doesn't occur, and my glasses flew off of my face and into my own puke. i had to clean them off while telling myself that grosser things have happened, but i couldn't get over my initial thought of:

totally gross!

the thing is i love my glasses, well, the way that they look on my face anyway. they are very flattering, if i do say so myself. but, the problem is somewhere in the "arms" of the glasses. they don't have any grip, and they aren't curved enough to grab onto my ears if i bend over. thus, they slide off of my face ALL the time. it's very irritating.

reason #21,304 was when i was on an airplane and i was in the plane's bathroom, and i leaned over to get the paper towels and my glasses slid off of my face and almost, ALMOST landed in the swirling blue water that spun in the plane's toilet. thank the LORD i have cat-like reflexes and i caught them as they flew through the air.

this is why i try to wear my contacts 99.9% of the time. my patience with my glasses is just OUT.

thank goodness i have Carla because Carla is an RN and she took care of me all night for the 3 hours that it took for me to feel normalized again. now i'm all better, at least, better enough to write an entry here! :)


Anonymous said...

It's always handy to have a friend who is a nurse! :)

Two Date Diva said...

Wow, so sorry to hear about your getting sick! Nurse friends do rock, I have a couple and my sister is an LPN so I can always call her too.

