i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

up and at 'em

being sick on Tuesday and Wednesday really threw my week out of whack.

i missed my second interview with the company that i want to be hired with because i was still so sick and feeling pretty gross on Wednesday afternoon. Luckily, we had no problem rescheduling, as the guy who was to conduct my interview had also come down with feeling like a zombie.

by Thursday i was out of bed and functioning enough to work a double-shift at the restaurant in order to make up for lost time and lost money. even though my left ear was and still is a little clogged and hard to hear from, standing up didn't make me feel like a sailor being tossed at sea anymore, so i managed to make it through a very long day.

my second interview was rescheduled for Friday morning at 9:00 am. the bad news was that i was a little late for it because having one clogged ear meant that i semi-slept through my alarm. but i called ahead and assured myself and them that i was not a flake, that i was on my way, and that i would still be getting the job.

i got there at 9:10, and within 3 minutes, Richard, the guy who would be my boss's boss was shaking my hand and telling me that he was so glad to finally meet me and that he hoped i was feeling better.

the interview was a little more formal that my previous interview with Lacy. i felt like i stayed on subject and found the right words to promote how awesome i am. i carried myself with confidence and poise and made sure that my personality was still quite evident as well.

by 10:30 the interview was over and i had to rush to get to my restaurant job for another double-shift. i didn't know how they would contact me at all to tell me how my interview went, and so i didn't look for any phone calls while i worked, i just kept my mind occupied. at 3:00 i was given an hour and a half to go and take some time off, so i came back to the house and checked my 'job application' email.


i checked my regular email and still found nothing. but i realized that i had a missed phone call, so i listened to the voicemail and lo and behold it was Lacy. There was no joy in her voice and her message was very vague. "Lisa, this is Lacy. If you would please return my phone call, thank you."

eeek. my heart sank. i dialed her number, then her extension and when she picked up the phone i said, "Hi Lacy, this is Lisa Wright, you needed to speak with me?"

she said, "Hi Lisa, yes I needed to speak with you as Richard and I have discussed your application and have decided to ask if you would like to accept the position."

me: "YES! i would LOVE to accept the position"

she went on to explain that i will be starting on March 10, and a few other things not worth typing out, but ladies and gentlemen, your friend just landed her first real job with real salary and real benefits in a BOOK PUBLISHING setting and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that i could just burst!

i GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i thought i had to share, thank you for all of your support and love! :)


Lori Anne Haskell said...

Congrats! That's awesome.

Anonymous said...


Two Date Diva said...

Congratulations! That's awesome. I know how hard you worked for it, so enjoy!

Tonya said...

Yeah!! Good for you. Man, is EVERYONE sick?? Trying really hard to avoid it!

