i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Monday, March 24, 2008


the postman delivered my unmarried-ment papers today.

carla got the mail.

i was gone from 7:30am to 9:00pm.

when i got home, she says "your mail is on your bed".

i walk into my room.

i see a package from a friend who lives in Georgia. she knitted me a hat, i've been expecting it.

last thursday Seth called me while i was at work. i answered it.

he said the unmarried papers were on their way and that i need to sign them and mail them back as soon as i can, so we can "get this show on the road".

they were on the bed, under the hat package.

it was weird tearing open the envelope and reading the lawyer-speak.

Wright vs. Wright.

"No children."

"Mrs. Wright is not pregnant."

"There is no property to be disputed."

"Mrs. Wright wishes to return to her maiden name: _______"


it was just weird to have this "court"-like language describing the dissolution of our marriage.

the only highlight was that i wore my cute new hat while i read over the papers.

now i guess i just have to make copies for my own files, sign them, and send them back.

what a heavy way to start the week.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's hard. I remember that. The final day will be tough as well, but you're doing so well! Keep it up!

Two Date Diva said...

I remember that experience too. but it does gt better from now on. You're doing great!

