i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

long ass day

i shouldn't have stayed up as late as i did last night when i knew that i had to get up as early as i did for my first day at work this morning [i was like a kid on Christmas Eve, SO nervous but excited and hoping to hear the magical clicks of reindeer hooves (paychecks) on the roof].

luckily, i made it to work on time, seeing as to the way that i am perpetually late for everything and will find a way to make myself 8 minutes late for a meeting that i got up for over 3 hours beforehand [i piddle around].

i filled out a TON of paperwork and sat with the Human Resources lady for over an hour and a half listening to her explain the mountain of paperwork [insurance, dental, absences, paid time-off, tardiness, disability, etc...]

it was just me and her in a tiny conference room at a big table, looking through the stacks of papers. yawn.

then i had lunch with my boss, which was SO great. Lacy is really a competent and intelligent woman, but luckily her humor is still in tact as well, meaning that when we were at the restaurant [using the Corporate card] she said that she thought the waiter was cute and that he was totally flirting with me! i can tell already that she is a keeper! [Lord please don't let me have to eat my words later!]

then we headed back to the ole workplace and i had to sit through an agonizing session about this specific information system that we use, which while it was helpful, was dreadfully dull and i kept thinking, tomorrow i need to drink coffee, tomorrow coffee is a requirement.

the end of the workday came quickly after that boring computer session, and overall i had a great day at my new job. i love to learn new things, and on top of that, i am PSYCHED to decorate my cubicle. it might sound lame, but really, i'm excited to decorate it.

OH, and when i called the restaurant to tell them i was on my way, they didn't need me after all, which meant that i promptly came home, got in Carla's bed and took a 6-8pm nap.


now i just have to do it all again tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that........


Anonymous said...

I am the same way about being late. I get up really early, but always manage to be a few minutes late!

Tonya said...

I've been reading your posts for a little while and wanted to congratulate you on the new job. I'm interviewing again Thursday in the hopes that I, too, will have a cubicle to decorate soon. Make sure you post pics of your cube if you can!

