i'm not sure about what your schoolyard sayings might have included, but here in North Carolina, we had one for pervy old men.
say there were to be a creepy man watching kids playing on a playground. this guy isn't there to pick up his own children, he isn't there to meet anyone, but while you're playing kickball and tagging your friends, he's in his car watching.
we called this guy Chester, Chester Child Molester. if you say it right, it rhymes perfectly, and it's funny.
anyway, it's not really something that many people say during their average day. that is, unless you are me or Carla.
we have adopted the word "Chester" to describe many things in various situations.
example 1:
lisa-"Chester McGee over there won't stop staring at me, even though he's wearing a wedding band. bluh."
carla-"all men are chesters."
example 2:
lisa-"Where's Nick?"
carla-"He's over at the bar, chesting it up with the bartender. I think he's trying to get her number."
example 3:
carla-"What are you doing Lisa? are you chestering around the internet?"
lisa-"I hardly consider typing emails and IMs to over 7 different men to be chestering around....okay, yes, i'm chestering around the internet. so sue me."
example 4:
totally chest
carla-"Did you really let that guy grab your ass?"
lisa-"Yes, and it was totally chest. it won't happen again."
example 5:
lisa-"do you see the guy with the huge gold cross necklace, and the backwards hat, and the lazy eye over at the bar? he keeps checking you out...."
carla-"EW. he has too much chestosterone for his own good."
you'd be surprised how often you can actually use the word chester in everyday interactions.
notice the chesters all around you, notice the small interactions you have with these chesters, and when given the chance, describe this using the word chester. i promise you that you can find ways to use it all day long, you just have to look for it.
maybe you can come up with your own context to use chester in, if you do, please share!
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
today i went to my local Barnes and Noble and bought myself a copy of The Awakening. i read it in college, and i loved it then. but now, rereading the back-cover, i think i'll fall in love with it all over again.
"tells the story of Edna Pontellier, a young wife and mother. While on vacation, Edna meets the son of a Louisiana resort owner, with whom she gradually falls in love. As she pulls away from her husband, Edna begins to develop a sense of herself as a whole person, with unique wants, interests, and desires. Determined to control her own life, she flouts convention by moving out of her husband's house, having an adulterous affair, and becoming an artist."if Kate Chopin were alive now, and writing The Awakening all over again, i'd be willing to bet that she'd have more of a dilemma as to whether she could just give Edna the divorce or not. who cares about having Edna move into her own house, but still depending on her husband, what about letting Edna be truly free to start over. i'm going to restart this novel today, i honestly cannot wait, if you haven't read it before, i'd recommend it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
up and at 'em
being sick on Tuesday and Wednesday really threw my week out of whack.
i missed my second interview with the company that i want to be hired with because i was still so sick and feeling pretty gross on Wednesday afternoon. Luckily, we had no problem rescheduling, as the guy who was to conduct my interview had also come down with feeling like a zombie.
by Thursday i was out of bed and functioning enough to work a double-shift at the restaurant in order to make up for lost time and lost money. even though my left ear was and still is a little clogged and hard to hear from, standing up didn't make me feel like a sailor being tossed at sea anymore, so i managed to make it through a very long day.
my second interview was rescheduled for Friday morning at 9:00 am. the bad news was that i was a little late for it because having one clogged ear meant that i semi-slept through my alarm. but i called ahead and assured myself and them that i was not a flake, that i was on my way, and that i would still be getting the job.
i got there at 9:10, and within 3 minutes, Richard, the guy who would be my boss's boss was shaking my hand and telling me that he was so glad to finally meet me and that he hoped i was feeling better.
the interview was a little more formal that my previous interview with Lacy. i felt like i stayed on subject and found the right words to promote how awesome i am. i carried myself with confidence and poise and made sure that my personality was still quite evident as well.
by 10:30 the interview was over and i had to rush to get to my restaurant job for another double-shift. i didn't know how they would contact me at all to tell me how my interview went, and so i didn't look for any phone calls while i worked, i just kept my mind occupied. at 3:00 i was given an hour and a half to go and take some time off, so i came back to the house and checked my 'job application' email.
i checked my regular email and still found nothing. but i realized that i had a missed phone call, so i listened to the voicemail and lo and behold it was Lacy. There was no joy in her voice and her message was very vague. "Lisa, this is Lacy. If you would please return my phone call, thank you."
eeek. my heart sank. i dialed her number, then her extension and when she picked up the phone i said, "Hi Lacy, this is Lisa Wright, you needed to speak with me?"
she said, "Hi Lisa, yes I needed to speak with you as Richard and I have discussed your application and have decided to ask if you would like to accept the position."
me: "YES! i would LOVE to accept the position"
she went on to explain that i will be starting on March 10, and a few other things not worth typing out, but ladies and gentlemen, your friend just landed her first real job with real salary and real benefits in a BOOK PUBLISHING setting and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that i could just burst!
i GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought i had to share, thank you for all of your support and love! :)
i missed my second interview with the company that i want to be hired with because i was still so sick and feeling pretty gross on Wednesday afternoon. Luckily, we had no problem rescheduling, as the guy who was to conduct my interview had also come down with feeling like a zombie.
by Thursday i was out of bed and functioning enough to work a double-shift at the restaurant in order to make up for lost time and lost money. even though my left ear was and still is a little clogged and hard to hear from, standing up didn't make me feel like a sailor being tossed at sea anymore, so i managed to make it through a very long day.
my second interview was rescheduled for Friday morning at 9:00 am. the bad news was that i was a little late for it because having one clogged ear meant that i semi-slept through my alarm. but i called ahead and assured myself and them that i was not a flake, that i was on my way, and that i would still be getting the job.
i got there at 9:10, and within 3 minutes, Richard, the guy who would be my boss's boss was shaking my hand and telling me that he was so glad to finally meet me and that he hoped i was feeling better.
the interview was a little more formal that my previous interview with Lacy. i felt like i stayed on subject and found the right words to promote how awesome i am. i carried myself with confidence and poise and made sure that my personality was still quite evident as well.
by 10:30 the interview was over and i had to rush to get to my restaurant job for another double-shift. i didn't know how they would contact me at all to tell me how my interview went, and so i didn't look for any phone calls while i worked, i just kept my mind occupied. at 3:00 i was given an hour and a half to go and take some time off, so i came back to the house and checked my 'job application' email.
i checked my regular email and still found nothing. but i realized that i had a missed phone call, so i listened to the voicemail and lo and behold it was Lacy. There was no joy in her voice and her message was very vague. "Lisa, this is Lacy. If you would please return my phone call, thank you."
eeek. my heart sank. i dialed her number, then her extension and when she picked up the phone i said, "Hi Lacy, this is Lisa Wright, you needed to speak with me?"
she said, "Hi Lisa, yes I needed to speak with you as Richard and I have discussed your application and have decided to ask if you would like to accept the position."
me: "YES! i would LOVE to accept the position"
she went on to explain that i will be starting on March 10, and a few other things not worth typing out, but ladies and gentlemen, your friend just landed her first real job with real salary and real benefits in a BOOK PUBLISHING setting and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that i could just burst!
i GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought i had to share, thank you for all of your support and love! :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
if i am going to be un-married by May, then i am going to start referring to Seth, my ex, as my un-husband.
i talked to him tonight over the chat feature on gmail. i prompted it. i knew that he had asked for my mailing address a few weeks ago, and i had avoided giving it to him until now.
i asked a few questions, so did he. i asked how our dog was doing. it broke my heart for him to type "We're having a blast...". i know i couldn't take the dog, he needed the dog, to have someone to come home to. he needed to have something depending on him, otherwise i will be honest, i think he may have considered suicide.
so my un-husband is filing our papers in March, i guess that is only a couple of weeks now.
when the un-married papers go through, he says by May, i guess i will officially be un-married. what will be next?
it's been so hard thinking back over the failure that was my marriage. it's easy to pretend like my un-husband was the Anti-Christ of all husbands. that he was just awful and an ogre that kept me imprisoned like a princess in a tower. but he wasn't. for a long time, lisa and seth was a beautiful thing.
for a long time seth was all smiles, all love, and i was in return, all smiles, all love.
but really, we both made mistakes, some of which we don't speak of at all, others that we openly acknowledge. i am sure that i wasn't the best wife in the whole world. other times, i like to think i was.
being unmarried has been the most overwhelming thing i have ever had to deal with, but i wouldn't trade it for the world.
i talked to him tonight over the chat feature on gmail. i prompted it. i knew that he had asked for my mailing address a few weeks ago, and i had avoided giving it to him until now.
i asked a few questions, so did he. i asked how our dog was doing. it broke my heart for him to type "We're having a blast...". i know i couldn't take the dog, he needed the dog, to have someone to come home to. he needed to have something depending on him, otherwise i will be honest, i think he may have considered suicide.
so my un-husband is filing our papers in March, i guess that is only a couple of weeks now.
when the un-married papers go through, he says by May, i guess i will officially be un-married. what will be next?
it's been so hard thinking back over the failure that was my marriage. it's easy to pretend like my un-husband was the Anti-Christ of all husbands. that he was just awful and an ogre that kept me imprisoned like a princess in a tower. but he wasn't. for a long time, lisa and seth was a beautiful thing.
for a long time seth was all smiles, all love, and i was in return, all smiles, all love.
but really, we both made mistakes, some of which we don't speak of at all, others that we openly acknowledge. i am sure that i wasn't the best wife in the whole world. other times, i like to think i was.
being unmarried has been the most overwhelming thing i have ever had to deal with, but i wouldn't trade it for the world.
latin lovers
i am super-sick today [i have been in bed, all day] and i realized i hadn't shared my Valentines surprisingly good news: i went salsa-dancing on Valentine's night.
i have never been salsa dancing before, not to mention, that i have never felt really all that comfortable dancing at all. as a 5'7" pale white girl, i've always felt like
1-i make dumb faces when i dance
2-i don't know what to do with my hands (like Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights)
3-i feel like when a man dances with me he can see how inexperienced and nervous i am.
well, i met a friend through a website, and yes, that sounds lame, but he's just a friend, and for the sake of my blog, i want to call him the Workaholic. seriously, this guy works all the time. but he also enjoys getting out and going to bars and other social-esque places downtown.
so because i don't really know anyone here in town besides my roommate, i told him that yes, i would go with him to a club downtown on Valentine's night and go salsa dancing with some other girls he knew. i picked him up, and he helped me navigate to the nightclub, and when we got inside the place was packed.
there were tons of guys there, and tons of girls too, but really, there were like groups of guys there. it was a little unnerving at first because i didn't know what i was doing, but at the same time, it was awesome to feel like there were men who had their eye on me. the Workaholic didn't really dance with me, which suited me fine, because although i think that he could be crush-worthy, he doesn't take any relationships seriously and he is too preoccupied with work.
i learned the basics from a really nice guy named Aaron who helped me get them down-pat. after i felt comfortable, some of the girls that had met us there took my hands and drug me out to the dance floor. i tried to let loose, but it was really hard at first. i've never really done the club-scene, never done the bar scene, i don't drink at all, so i can't foresee letting all my inhibitions go.....never done........and then it hit me:
i was like, i'm doing new things now, i'm perfectly capable of being good at things if i give them a shot. so i tried not to think about how tall i was in the heels i was wearing, or how white my arms looked in the air when i had them up during my dancing, and i tried to cut loose and have a good time.
by the time that my friends were tired of dancing to a particularly long song, that lasted for over 10 minutes, i got a bottle of water from behind the bar, and downed half of it, and by the time i was done with it, i'd gotten a tap on my shoulder by a really gorgeous latin guy with gel in his hair and a grin on his face. he asked me if i wanted to dance with him, i nodded.
he took my hand and led me to the dancefloor, with me glancing over my shoulder and all of my friends looking at me with goofy smiles on their faces and 2 thumbs-ups from the Workaholic. i danced with him, his name was Alex, he asked me why i was alone if i was such a beautiful woman. i told him that i had no idea why. and he held me around the waist, twirled me to the music, pulled me close, whispered in my ear, and when the song was over, i gracefully retreated back to my friends, ignoring my pounding heart and the tingles that i had all-over my body. it was amazing to feel wanted again, even if it was just for a song.
i have never been salsa dancing before, not to mention, that i have never felt really all that comfortable dancing at all. as a 5'7" pale white girl, i've always felt like
1-i make dumb faces when i dance
2-i don't know what to do with my hands (like Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights)
3-i feel like when a man dances with me he can see how inexperienced and nervous i am.
well, i met a friend through a website, and yes, that sounds lame, but he's just a friend, and for the sake of my blog, i want to call him the Workaholic. seriously, this guy works all the time. but he also enjoys getting out and going to bars and other social-esque places downtown.
so because i don't really know anyone here in town besides my roommate, i told him that yes, i would go with him to a club downtown on Valentine's night and go salsa dancing with some other girls he knew. i picked him up, and he helped me navigate to the nightclub, and when we got inside the place was packed.
there were tons of guys there, and tons of girls too, but really, there were like groups of guys there. it was a little unnerving at first because i didn't know what i was doing, but at the same time, it was awesome to feel like there were men who had their eye on me. the Workaholic didn't really dance with me, which suited me fine, because although i think that he could be crush-worthy, he doesn't take any relationships seriously and he is too preoccupied with work.
i learned the basics from a really nice guy named Aaron who helped me get them down-pat. after i felt comfortable, some of the girls that had met us there took my hands and drug me out to the dance floor. i tried to let loose, but it was really hard at first. i've never really done the club-scene, never done the bar scene, i don't drink at all, so i can't foresee letting all my inhibitions go.....never done........and then it hit me:
i was like, i'm doing new things now, i'm perfectly capable of being good at things if i give them a shot. so i tried not to think about how tall i was in the heels i was wearing, or how white my arms looked in the air when i had them up during my dancing, and i tried to cut loose and have a good time.
by the time that my friends were tired of dancing to a particularly long song, that lasted for over 10 minutes, i got a bottle of water from behind the bar, and downed half of it, and by the time i was done with it, i'd gotten a tap on my shoulder by a really gorgeous latin guy with gel in his hair and a grin on his face. he asked me if i wanted to dance with him, i nodded.
he took my hand and led me to the dancefloor, with me glancing over my shoulder and all of my friends looking at me with goofy smiles on their faces and 2 thumbs-ups from the Workaholic. i danced with him, his name was Alex, he asked me why i was alone if i was such a beautiful woman. i told him that i had no idea why. and he held me around the waist, twirled me to the music, pulled me close, whispered in my ear, and when the song was over, i gracefully retreated back to my friends, ignoring my pounding heart and the tingles that i had all-over my body. it was amazing to feel wanted again, even if it was just for a song.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
McAvoy Double-Feature
Carla and i treated ourselves last night to a full-price movie ticket at the real movie theater (we're usually big fans of RedBox $1 movie rentals), and we finally saw Atonement.
we have been wanting to see this movie since it hit the theaters in December, but we haven't been able to coordinate a convenient time to see it for over 2 months now. but last night we got to see it and whew, it was incredible.
i don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it, but i do highly recommend it. even if you hate what happens in the story, and seeing Keira Knightley looking so sickeningly thin might make you want to puke or stop eating all-together, James McAvoy is worth watching. he is beautiful.
and on top of that we watched Becoming Jane in which James McAvoy is the leading man as well. although, his haircut in Becoming Jane was definitely more unflattering than his haircut in Atonement.
if you haven't seen them, i'd recommend them, although Becoming Jane doesn't have near enough kissing scenes. i pretty much live for those, haha.
alright, i'm done acting like a teeny-bopper with a high-school crush.
okay, no i'm not, but it's not like i'm going to start a fan-blog or anything crazy like that...yet. haha.
we have been wanting to see this movie since it hit the theaters in December, but we haven't been able to coordinate a convenient time to see it for over 2 months now. but last night we got to see it and whew, it was incredible.
i don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it, but i do highly recommend it. even if you hate what happens in the story, and seeing Keira Knightley looking so sickeningly thin might make you want to puke or stop eating all-together, James McAvoy is worth watching. he is beautiful.
and on top of that we watched Becoming Jane in which James McAvoy is the leading man as well. although, his haircut in Becoming Jane was definitely more unflattering than his haircut in Atonement.
if you haven't seen them, i'd recommend them, although Becoming Jane doesn't have near enough kissing scenes. i pretty much live for those, haha.
alright, i'm done acting like a teeny-bopper with a high-school crush.
okay, no i'm not, but it's not like i'm going to start a fan-blog or anything crazy like that...yet. haha.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
worst-case scenario
i ran across this website after reading an article in TIME magazine, :
basically, it's a boutique website full of things that are novelties for people who have recently broken up or gotten unmarried. while i think that having the breakup kit or a knife set shaped like my ex would be fun, there is only one thing i think that i'd actually enjoy having from the site:
The authors of the best-selling The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook are back—and they've brought a date. Whatever your own dating nightmares are, take it from the professionals, things can get worse. Just in time for Valentine's Day, here are dozens of scenarios covering every phase of the romantic—or not so romantic—turn of events. Learn how to remove stubborn articles of clothing, slip away from a blind date, and get rid of unsightly stains. Discover the secrets of dealing with a bad kisser and of surviving a meeting with your date's parents. Hands-on, step-by-step illustrated instructions help guide you through these and many more perils d'amor. Tasteful and useful, and with an appendix of great pickup lines, breakup lines, and all-purpose excuses, this is the book you need when you wake up next to someone whose name you can't remember.
anyway, i just thought that it was funny and wanted to share!
have a super weekend!
basically, it's a boutique website full of things that are novelties for people who have recently broken up or gotten unmarried. while i think that having the breakup kit or a knife set shaped like my ex would be fun, there is only one thing i think that i'd actually enjoy having from the site:

The authors of the best-selling The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook are back—and they've brought a date. Whatever your own dating nightmares are, take it from the professionals, things can get worse. Just in time for Valentine's Day, here are dozens of scenarios covering every phase of the romantic—or not so romantic—turn of events. Learn how to remove stubborn articles of clothing, slip away from a blind date, and get rid of unsightly stains. Discover the secrets of dealing with a bad kisser and of surviving a meeting with your date's parents. Hands-on, step-by-step illustrated instructions help guide you through these and many more perils d'amor. Tasteful and useful, and with an appendix of great pickup lines, breakup lines, and all-purpose excuses, this is the book you need when you wake up next to someone whose name you can't remember.
anyway, i just thought that it was funny and wanted to share!
have a super weekend!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
valentines schmalentines
as Valentines Day is here, i'd be the first to sign up and say that i am not going to get bogged down by relating this holiday for hearts and lovers and roses and chocolates with love.
there are so many kinds of love in this world, and while romantic love is one of them, there are so many other loves that are worth celebrating.
i try to show the love for all of its many forms in my life:
i have love for blue skies and hawks flying overhead.
i have love for earthworms that have been displaced by rainfall.
i have love for a good song blasting in my car with the windows down.
i have love for hugging an old friend or shaking hands with a new friend.
i have love for an unexpected, unsolicited phone-call from someone.
i have love for warm brownies made my other mother, Deborah.
i have love for everyone in my life, and for those that i haven't yet met.
i have love for my family and my friends.
i have love for myself.
and yes, it is strange to be single on Valentine's Day for the first time in over 6 years, and yes, it is hard to say out loud that i am legally separated and on my way to being unmarried by the time i am 24 years old. but you know, that is the best thing about love.
love is all around us, all the time, in all shapes and sizes. love is perfect in every form. love is what keeps us going when we want to give up and it is what picks us up when we have fallen down.
whether you have a special someone or not on Feb. 14 is not what love is all about.
love is more than that.
love is the tie that binds.
love is connection.
the challenge is to embrace it in all of its forms.
there are so many kinds of love in this world, and while romantic love is one of them, there are so many other loves that are worth celebrating.
i try to show the love for all of its many forms in my life:
i have love for blue skies and hawks flying overhead.
i have love for earthworms that have been displaced by rainfall.
i have love for a good song blasting in my car with the windows down.
i have love for hugging an old friend or shaking hands with a new friend.
i have love for an unexpected, unsolicited phone-call from someone.
i have love for warm brownies made my other mother, Deborah.
i have love for everyone in my life, and for those that i haven't yet met.
i have love for my family and my friends.
i have love for myself.
and yes, it is strange to be single on Valentine's Day for the first time in over 6 years, and yes, it is hard to say out loud that i am legally separated and on my way to being unmarried by the time i am 24 years old. but you know, that is the best thing about love.
love is all around us, all the time, in all shapes and sizes. love is perfect in every form. love is what keeps us going when we want to give up and it is what picks us up when we have fallen down.
whether you have a special someone or not on Feb. 14 is not what love is all about.
love is more than that.
love is the tie that binds.
love is connection.
the challenge is to embrace it in all of its forms.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
in the bag
the fact that my interview today was my very first interview for a professional, full-time, benefits included j-o-b should have been a factor in my nervousness beforehand, but honestly, i felt really fine.
i got my resume and references together, grabbed some blank paper and a pen, put them in a folder, got in the car and drove the 10 minutes to get there. i parked, checked in with the secretary, and within 5 minutes, i was shaking hands with a very pleasant woman named Lacy.
Lacy is actually the person who would be my boss if i were hired. She asked me about 10 different questions: Why do you want to get into this buisness? What personality traits would make you a good representative for our company? How would you describe our company and our products to someone who hasn't heard of it before? What kind of boss do you work well with? What kind of environment do you see yourself being most productive in?
so i answered her questions, making sure that i was thorough without talking endlessly. i also made sure that i presented myself well, being honest about my strengths and weaknesses. even as i sat there, i thought to myself, i have totally got this job.
i really don't like to be cocky, i don't like to come across as some arrogant jerk who thinks too highly of herself. but sometimes, i just get that feeling. i don't often like to say it out loud because then i may be disappointed if things don't work out and/or i may have to eat my words, etc. but seriously. i think i have this job in the bag.
by the time i left i felt like i had connected with Lacy enough to know that if she could've she would've hired me right on the spot. too bad i have to go back for another interview with Lacy's boss Richard in order to be hired for real.
oh well, that's just another interview i'll ace.
i forgot to mention that this job is in book publishing! my first love! reading! :)
:) today was a great day!
***i've been messing with the layout/colors/everything a little too much for one day, so although i am not totally thrilled with this final result, i think i am going to keep it this way for a while until i can assess it further.
the fact that my interview today was my very first interview for a professional, full-time, benefits included j-o-b should have been a factor in my nervousness beforehand, but honestly, i felt really fine.
i got my resume and references together, grabbed some blank paper and a pen, put them in a folder, got in the car and drove the 10 minutes to get there. i parked, checked in with the secretary, and within 5 minutes, i was shaking hands with a very pleasant woman named Lacy.
Lacy is actually the person who would be my boss if i were hired. She asked me about 10 different questions: Why do you want to get into this buisness? What personality traits would make you a good representative for our company? How would you describe our company and our products to someone who hasn't heard of it before? What kind of boss do you work well with? What kind of environment do you see yourself being most productive in?
so i answered her questions, making sure that i was thorough without talking endlessly. i also made sure that i presented myself well, being honest about my strengths and weaknesses. even as i sat there, i thought to myself, i have totally got this job.
i really don't like to be cocky, i don't like to come across as some arrogant jerk who thinks too highly of herself. but sometimes, i just get that feeling. i don't often like to say it out loud because then i may be disappointed if things don't work out and/or i may have to eat my words, etc. but seriously. i think i have this job in the bag.
by the time i left i felt like i had connected with Lacy enough to know that if she could've she would've hired me right on the spot. too bad i have to go back for another interview with Lacy's boss Richard in order to be hired for real.
oh well, that's just another interview i'll ace.
i forgot to mention that this job is in book publishing! my first love! reading! :)
:) today was a great day!
***i've been messing with the layout/colors/everything a little too much for one day, so although i am not totally thrilled with this final result, i think i am going to keep it this way for a while until i can assess it further.
under construction

i was in desperate need of a 3 column lay-out, but it seems that i lost a few widgets in the meantime....
anyhoo, think of me from 2:45-5:00 EST. i can't imagine that my interview will last that long, but hey, they might just think i am awesome right on the spot and we could go out for dinner! haha! i'm a little delusional.
i will post about the interview later today!
Monday, February 11, 2008
the dreaded question
before last night i had not spoken with Seth in over 3 weeks. it may have even been a month, but i can't really remember.
anyway. he called last night at about 10pm and even though my friend Anny was over for a little visit, i decided since it had been so long that i should go downstairs and answer it.
we did the usual, catching each other up on what we've been up to: he's been promoted to be a Manager at the store he works at, which is wonderful! and i told him about how Carla has finally moved up to Raleigh and how i have got an interview on Tuesday.
then he asked me a few questions about our un-married-ment such as if i wanted to keep his last name or reinstate my maiden name (i'm going back to my maiden name), and if i was going to be getting a lawyer or not (i'm not) and a few other miscellaneous questions. then came the dreaded question:
are you seeing anyone?
me: "No! Of course not, the only male in my life is my fish."
Seth: "Oh, cool."
me:"Are you?!!!" (i tried to sound "breezy" but i am sure he heard the surprise in my voice)
Seth:"No one girl in particular. I've been trying to make friends in general, so I've been around some groups of people, but nah, not dating anyone."
me: .....
Seth:"Really though, there is one girl I've hung out with alone a couple of times recently, but it's nothing. I haven't even hugged her."
me:"You know, it's cool if you hug her. I hope that you do meet someone new."
Seth:"Well, that's not something I'm trying to do, but she is cool, so we hang out."
and that was really the end of the conversation. i went back upstairs and promptly spilled my guts to Anny and Carla both about the conversation.
i hadn't really even considered the fact that i could actually date again. i mean, i know that i am not officially un-married yet, but it hadn't really occurred to me that i could date again. i mean, i have been meeting people, all men, but only to make friends. Valentine's Day is this week and i am actually looking forward to it.
i'm rejoicing that i am single. i know that i don't need to be getting serious with anyone until i am fully healed from the damage that i endured from my marriage. but my thoughts were more of "Why is Seth dating again?" doesn't he know that it isn't the best idea to date again while we are both so vulnerable?
anyway. he called last night at about 10pm and even though my friend Anny was over for a little visit, i decided since it had been so long that i should go downstairs and answer it.
we did the usual, catching each other up on what we've been up to: he's been promoted to be a Manager at the store he works at, which is wonderful! and i told him about how Carla has finally moved up to Raleigh and how i have got an interview on Tuesday.
then he asked me a few questions about our un-married-ment such as if i wanted to keep his last name or reinstate my maiden name (i'm going back to my maiden name), and if i was going to be getting a lawyer or not (i'm not) and a few other miscellaneous questions. then came the dreaded question:
are you seeing anyone?
me: "No! Of course not, the only male in my life is my fish."
Seth: "Oh, cool."
me:"Are you?!!!" (i tried to sound "breezy" but i am sure he heard the surprise in my voice)
Seth:"No one girl in particular. I've been trying to make friends in general, so I've been around some groups of people, but nah, not dating anyone."
me: .....
Seth:"Really though, there is one girl I've hung out with alone a couple of times recently, but it's nothing. I haven't even hugged her."
me:"You know, it's cool if you hug her. I hope that you do meet someone new."
Seth:"Well, that's not something I'm trying to do, but she is cool, so we hang out."
and that was really the end of the conversation. i went back upstairs and promptly spilled my guts to Anny and Carla both about the conversation.
i hadn't really even considered the fact that i could actually date again. i mean, i know that i am not officially un-married yet, but it hadn't really occurred to me that i could date again. i mean, i have been meeting people, all men, but only to make friends. Valentine's Day is this week and i am actually looking forward to it.
i'm rejoicing that i am single. i know that i don't need to be getting serious with anyone until i am fully healed from the damage that i endured from my marriage. but my thoughts were more of "Why is Seth dating again?" doesn't he know that it isn't the best idea to date again while we are both so vulnerable?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
roomie love
i am no longer living alone in my new city.
Carla has officially moved in and now resides in the room across the hall.
it is SO good to have a reason to stop talking to strangers via personal ads on the net. it is also good because she is pretty much the only person who knows how i've really been doing since the end of my marriage.
Carla and i are in need of a new fun word to describe our townhouse. when Carla used to live with my older sister Melodie, they called their place Graceland because of the huge fireplace that dominated the living room. whenever we come up with the name, i'll be sure to let you know. any ideas?
and now, let the good vibes roomie times begin! :)
exactly how i've been feeling recently about why i went to college:
Carla has officially moved in and now resides in the room across the hall.
it is SO good to have a reason to stop talking to strangers via personal ads on the net. it is also good because she is pretty much the only person who knows how i've really been doing since the end of my marriage.
Carla and i are in need of a new fun word to describe our townhouse. when Carla used to live with my older sister Melodie, they called their place Graceland because of the huge fireplace that dominated the living room. whenever we come up with the name, i'll be sure to let you know. any ideas?
and now, let the good vibes roomie times begin! :)
exactly how i've been feeling recently about why i went to college:
Friday, February 8, 2008
ladies and gentlemen,
from Maryland, to Ohio, to South Dakota and California, let it be known that today, i landed my first job interview.
and it shall be on Tuesday February 12 at 3:00 pm.
and it shall be good.
YAY! i am so excited. i know it is just my first interview and that i shouldn't let my hopes get too high because the odds of landing a job from my first interview are really not in my favor, but i am still very excited nonetheless! :)
i am mainly excited because it is the job that i had been contacting since the first week of January and i even went in to meet with the Human Resources lady and then i got no word for 2 weeks. i had been beating myself up, and rethinking my resume and asking myself if i had been too aggressive, and on and on, and then today, at 7:45am, i was sent an email saying that they were so sorry they hadn't contacted me sooner because they had been under a hiring freeze. but now they have the greenlight, so they want me to come in on Tuesday!
i totally did a happy dance in my room alone this morning!
and in the car.
and on the phone.
and again in my room.
of course, there will be updates! :)
ladies and gentlemen,
from Maryland, to Ohio, to South Dakota and California, let it be known that today, i landed my first job interview.
and it shall be on Tuesday February 12 at 3:00 pm.
and it shall be good.
YAY! i am so excited. i know it is just my first interview and that i shouldn't let my hopes get too high because the odds of landing a job from my first interview are really not in my favor, but i am still very excited nonetheless! :)
i am mainly excited because it is the job that i had been contacting since the first week of January and i even went in to meet with the Human Resources lady and then i got no word for 2 weeks. i had been beating myself up, and rethinking my resume and asking myself if i had been too aggressive, and on and on, and then today, at 7:45am, i was sent an email saying that they were so sorry they hadn't contacted me sooner because they had been under a hiring freeze. but now they have the greenlight, so they want me to come in on Tuesday!
i totally did a happy dance in my room alone this morning!
and in the car.
and on the phone.
and again in my room.
of course, there will be updates! :)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
so, basically, i can't land an interview to save my life.
i found a really nice upscale, relaxed atmosphere restaurant that is less than 5 miles from my place that needed lunchtime servers.
i started today and it went well.
i never thought i'd be "waiting" but hey, it pays more than sitting at home on my bed with my laptop scouring the net trying to find more jobs to apply for.
i guess this will do for in the meantime. :) did i also mention that most of the people who come in are young, educated, single professional men? that doesn't hurt a single bit!
i found a really nice upscale, relaxed atmosphere restaurant that is less than 5 miles from my place that needed lunchtime servers.
i started today and it went well.
i never thought i'd be "waiting" but hey, it pays more than sitting at home on my bed with my laptop scouring the net trying to find more jobs to apply for.
i guess this will do for in the meantime. :) did i also mention that most of the people who come in are young, educated, single professional men? that doesn't hurt a single bit!
Monday, February 4, 2008
the wedding, tidbits, part II
almost 2 weeks ago i promised to write more about the wedding, so i wanted to make sure that i wrote some things down before i forget them all.
let's see:
awkward moments:
it seems like the wedding weekend was full of these, being that nearly all of the bride's side had to drive down and stay in the only hotel in the area. and the hotel had promised each room at $60 a night but when the guests starting arriving, was actually charging $70 a night...so that caused some tension especially when the brides' Godmother accidentally let it slip that "the place wasn't even that nice" in front of the bride...
heartfelt toasts:
i thought i'd share the toast that i wrote for Jeannie and Charles, here it is:
Having known Jeannie since we sat beside each other in our 7th grade typing class, our friendship has proven to stand the test of time.
We were there through the ups: proms, road trips, first dates, graduations. and the downs: heartbreaks, car accidents, stress and exams. and through it all, i saw something that i admired in my friend Jeannie, i saw strength, loyalty and courage to face life's challenges.
and even if i am only one day older, i felt like many times that Jeannie was like an older sister to me, helping me as i helped her.
And so, i stand here on Jeannie and Chuck's wedding day, Jeannie looking radiant, and Charles looking like he just won the lottery, and i say "To the happy couple, i wish you the best of luck, abundant love and joy, and most of all, the wisdom to recognize the blessings that God gives you as you walk together down this road called life."
Jeannie, i love you with all of my heart and you know that you are like a sister to me, so Charles, today, you're getting a bonus sister-in-law, me! Cheers to the happy couple!
temper tantrums/mini-meltdowns:
inappropriate gestures:
apparently one of Charles' uncles is totally drunk 100% of the time, so being at a wedding only coincided with his affinity for drunkenness, which meant that while we were out boogie-ing on the dance floor, this RED-faced, totally drunk OLD uncle walks out on the dance floor and stands behind Jeannie and does the thing where it looks like you're doggy-styling someone. totally unnecessary and totally gross!
European kiss-kissing with a beautiful Portuguese man:
Jeannie is Portuguese, and Jeannie has family that is Portuguese, and these family members include one such fine young gentleman who, upon his departure, grabbed my face and gave me 2 European style kisses on the cheeks. seeing as to how this was the first time a man besides Seth or my Dad had touched my face in months, i promptly melted into a puddle on the floor.
dancing until my feet cramped:
i danced like it was going out of style. i did them all: the Cha Cha Slide, The Charleston, The Electric Slide, and yes, even the YMCA. Why? because at my own wedding i was semi-disappointed when no one danced, and because i was in the wedding, wearing a special green dress (awful alterations and all), i got my butt out there and made some memories!
and my feet definitely cramped up and my toes felt like they were stuck together for a large portion of the 8 hour car ride home. :)
let's see:
awkward moments:
it seems like the wedding weekend was full of these, being that nearly all of the bride's side had to drive down and stay in the only hotel in the area. and the hotel had promised each room at $60 a night but when the guests starting arriving, was actually charging $70 a night...so that caused some tension especially when the brides' Godmother accidentally let it slip that "the place wasn't even that nice" in front of the bride...
heartfelt toasts:
i thought i'd share the toast that i wrote for Jeannie and Charles, here it is:
Having known Jeannie since we sat beside each other in our 7th grade typing class, our friendship has proven to stand the test of time.
We were there through the ups: proms, road trips, first dates, graduations. and the downs: heartbreaks, car accidents, stress and exams. and through it all, i saw something that i admired in my friend Jeannie, i saw strength, loyalty and courage to face life's challenges.
and even if i am only one day older, i felt like many times that Jeannie was like an older sister to me, helping me as i helped her.
And so, i stand here on Jeannie and Chuck's wedding day, Jeannie looking radiant, and Charles looking like he just won the lottery, and i say "To the happy couple, i wish you the best of luck, abundant love and joy, and most of all, the wisdom to recognize the blessings that God gives you as you walk together down this road called life."
Jeannie, i love you with all of my heart and you know that you are like a sister to me, so Charles, today, you're getting a bonus sister-in-law, me! Cheers to the happy couple!
temper tantrums/mini-meltdowns:
i can sum this up by saying only a few things,as i stood there, hearing Jeannie's mother actually call her daughter a bitch in such a matter-of-fact way on her wedding day, i just thought, thank GOD she is not my mother.
1-the bride didn't want any help getting into her dress until she realize that it is hard to get into a dress all alone,
2-we were running 35 minutes late for pictures (the wedding went on time, but the pictures were a little cramped for time),
3-as i tried to help her get the back of her dress laced up, i pinched her skin (unknowingly) into the dress and it really really hurt her before i realized it and let it go,
4-being thoroughly pinched made her a little wound up and she wanted me to let the thing go for a second so she could breathe, but when her mom stepped in and tried to help, she got really mad and was like"just take the dress off!!!",5-her mother says to this: "Jeannie, you don't have to be such a bitch",
6-Jeannie flies out of the room, down the back hallway and into the tiny bathroom and locks the door behind her,
7-i follow close behind,
8-Jeannie's mom follows behind me, her grandmother behind her, and her sister behind her grandmother,
9-gay makeup guy and hair-do lady stand in the living room looking wild-eyed,
10-as we crowd around the bathroom door, Jeannie says for everyone to GO AWAY,
11-i calmly tell her that we have to continue lacing her up if we are going to be on time,
12-the door cracks open, you can tell she's crying, she says "ONLY YOU" and reaches out and grabs my hands and yanks me into the tiny bathroom,
13-i hug her and tell her that it is alright and that everything is going just fine,
14-she tells me she loves me and that she is so glad i am there for her,
15-the dress gets on, it looks great, we touch up the makeup, the wedding is on!
inappropriate gestures:
apparently one of Charles' uncles is totally drunk 100% of the time, so being at a wedding only coincided with his affinity for drunkenness, which meant that while we were out boogie-ing on the dance floor, this RED-faced, totally drunk OLD uncle walks out on the dance floor and stands behind Jeannie and does the thing where it looks like you're doggy-styling someone. totally unnecessary and totally gross!
European kiss-kissing with a beautiful Portuguese man:
Jeannie is Portuguese, and Jeannie has family that is Portuguese, and these family members include one such fine young gentleman who, upon his departure, grabbed my face and gave me 2 European style kisses on the cheeks. seeing as to how this was the first time a man besides Seth or my Dad had touched my face in months, i promptly melted into a puddle on the floor.
dancing until my feet cramped:
i danced like it was going out of style. i did them all: the Cha Cha Slide, The Charleston, The Electric Slide, and yes, even the YMCA. Why? because at my own wedding i was semi-disappointed when no one danced, and because i was in the wedding, wearing a special green dress (awful alterations and all), i got my butt out there and made some memories!
and my feet definitely cramped up and my toes felt like they were stuck together for a large portion of the 8 hour car ride home. :)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
fighting it
are you watching the superbowl?
for the first time in a long time, i'm not watching it.
i didn't have anyone to watch it with, no one invited me over, and the tv here doesn't pick up the right stations.
i'm fighting those "poor me" feelings, and trying to do other things to keep myself occupied. i mean, there are worse things than not being able to watch the game, and i don't really give a flip about football anyway, i just like the commercials and being able to say that i saw "the really funny one with the ______" the next day.
does anyone feel like painting?
me! me!
for the first time in a long time, i'm not watching it.
i didn't have anyone to watch it with, no one invited me over, and the tv here doesn't pick up the right stations.
i'm fighting those "poor me" feelings, and trying to do other things to keep myself occupied. i mean, there are worse things than not being able to watch the game, and i don't really give a flip about football anyway, i just like the commercials and being able to say that i saw "the really funny one with the ______" the next day.
does anyone feel like painting?
me! me!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
enjoy the highlights of the pick-me-up part 1
here are some of the best parts of the best responses that i got for my ad, you should really take the time to read them all, it was redemption:
Hey there,
First and foremost I am sorry about the way he treated you, I am almost positive you deserved better anyways. You sound very beautiful and I would be honored to take you for a long walk on a moonlit beach after picking you up for a candle light dinner and just have some conversation about who we are, where we going and just try to put a smile on that beautiful face of yours. By the way....Cheer-up, you never know what tomorrow might bring.
I too am just out of a very long relationship and your posting caught my eye and interest.
You sound like your looking for something that I want to give. I will hold the door and be romantic.
whats up girl I just got out of a relationship and am not looking for any thing serious just someone fun to have a good time with I'm a little on the wild side and looking for the same. I look good and am a gentlemen at heart and i guarantee i will take care of you.
Would you be open to someone older, gentler and kinder?
I was taught well how to treat someone. Opening the door is just one. Making sure you get inside safe if I dropped you off at your house could count too. No one does that.
I just saw you ad wanted to tell you that YES, there are indeed real, sincere gentlemen out there and I am one of them. I am a year separated now and feel exactly like you do that the EX doesn't know what she had with me (even though she did trade up finacially when she left), and I feel the same sense of loneliness that I would love to get rid of.
Hey there friend. That's the thing about jumping in the deep end - it
takes a while to come up for air when you decide to let go of the
weight that was sinkin' ya. I had an ex who definitely didn't know what
she gave up, but I learned to look at it as this: We were great, and
that's good, but we tend to move up in this world, so the reason we're
not together anymore is because we both deserve someone extraordinary.
You'll get that extraordinary someone. Don't even worry about it
To cheer you up, I'd simply make you laugh just to put a smile on your face in hopes that it would make you forget about the past and think about whats now.
I am truely one of the last of the good guys and out of a lousy relationship. Looking for a great person with a lot to offer, as I do and willing to give.
I would love to have a chance at restoring your optimism in relationships and love. I am just out of a bad relationship myself where my romantics were not appreciated.
okay, i think i should stop here b/c i know that is already pretty lengthy.... what did you think? besides the grammar and spelling, they were all so very sweet!
Hey there,
First and foremost I am sorry about the way he treated you, I am almost positive you deserved better anyways. You sound very beautiful and I would be honored to take you for a long walk on a moonlit beach after picking you up for a candle light dinner and just have some conversation about who we are, where we going and just try to put a smile on that beautiful face of yours. By the way....Cheer-up, you never know what tomorrow might bring.
I too am just out of a very long relationship and your posting caught my eye and interest.
You sound like your looking for something that I want to give. I will hold the door and be romantic.
whats up girl I just got out of a relationship and am not looking for any thing serious just someone fun to have a good time with I'm a little on the wild side and looking for the same. I look good and am a gentlemen at heart and i guarantee i will take care of you.
Would you be open to someone older, gentler and kinder?
I was taught well how to treat someone. Opening the door is just one. Making sure you get inside safe if I dropped you off at your house could count too. No one does that.
I just saw you ad wanted to tell you that YES, there are indeed real, sincere gentlemen out there and I am one of them. I am a year separated now and feel exactly like you do that the EX doesn't know what she had with me (even though she did trade up finacially when she left), and I feel the same sense of loneliness that I would love to get rid of.
Hey there friend. That's the thing about jumping in the deep end - it
takes a while to come up for air when you decide to let go of the
weight that was sinkin' ya. I had an ex who definitely didn't know what
she gave up, but I learned to look at it as this: We were great, and
that's good, but we tend to move up in this world, so the reason we're
not together anymore is because we both deserve someone extraordinary.
You'll get that extraordinary someone. Don't even worry about it
To cheer you up, I'd simply make you laugh just to put a smile on your face in hopes that it would make you forget about the past and think about whats now.
I am truely one of the last of the good guys and out of a lousy relationship. Looking for a great person with a lot to offer, as I do and willing to give.
I would love to have a chance at restoring your optimism in relationships and love. I am just out of a bad relationship myself where my romantics were not appreciated.
okay, i think i should stop here b/c i know that is already pretty lengthy.... what did you think? besides the grammar and spelling, they were all so very sweet!
killing time,
Friday, February 1, 2008
emergency ego boost
when i was in the fifth grade, my 17 year old cousin Betzi moved in to live with my family for a little over a year. i always looked up to her and thought she was the "COOLEST".
when i was in the eighth grade Betzi got married in Arizona and so my family flew out to stay with her for her wedding weekend. Her apartment was really cool and full of random little things here and there. and on her refrigerator was this little card that she had made.
on the outside it said "Emergency Ego Boost", and it had flames on it and had little things like "for emergency use only" and "call 911!" on it, so of course i lifted the flap and looked inside, and inside there was a heinous picture of Courtney Love and it made me laugh so hard!
whenever Betzi hit a wall, felt bad about herself, etc., she'd go over and lift the flap and say "Whew! at least I'm not Courtney Love!" ha!
so in the spirit of Betzi's emergency ego boost, i did something that made me feel better about everything: about the divorce, about the singleness, about the fact that there might be some decent men left in the world.
i made an ad and posted it anonymously on the "women seeking men" board.
the overall gist of the ad was that i was feeling down and wondering if there were any kind, funny, and romantic men left in the world. it was a challenge, if you will, for whatever "nice guys" finding themselves reading my ad, to click on it and send me a message telling me what they would do to cheer me up.
i posted it at about 10:00 pm, and by the next morning i had over 50 new messages waiting in my inbox.
what a serious pick-me-up. some of the men said that they were feeling the same way, some of them said that they'd make me laugh, some said they'd help me take my mind off of it by taking me out on the town, some men were spam-bots and sent randomly generated messages, some men included pictures (some were hot, some were not!), and some sent truly inspiring messages about how life is full of ups and downs and we've all just got to keep going.
i think i'll try to make a "best of" post with some of the best snippets from the messages, because clearly, there are still men out there, men that know how to treat a woman right. men who know how to warm my heart, even if i am just a stranger.
when i was in the eighth grade Betzi got married in Arizona and so my family flew out to stay with her for her wedding weekend. Her apartment was really cool and full of random little things here and there. and on her refrigerator was this little card that she had made.
on the outside it said "Emergency Ego Boost", and it had flames on it and had little things like "for emergency use only" and "call 911!" on it, so of course i lifted the flap and looked inside, and inside there was a heinous picture of Courtney Love and it made me laugh so hard!
whenever Betzi hit a wall, felt bad about herself, etc., she'd go over and lift the flap and say "Whew! at least I'm not Courtney Love!" ha!
so in the spirit of Betzi's emergency ego boost, i did something that made me feel better about everything: about the divorce, about the singleness, about the fact that there might be some decent men left in the world.
i made an ad and posted it anonymously on the "women seeking men" board.
the overall gist of the ad was that i was feeling down and wondering if there were any kind, funny, and romantic men left in the world. it was a challenge, if you will, for whatever "nice guys" finding themselves reading my ad, to click on it and send me a message telling me what they would do to cheer me up.
i posted it at about 10:00 pm, and by the next morning i had over 50 new messages waiting in my inbox.
what a serious pick-me-up. some of the men said that they were feeling the same way, some of them said that they'd make me laugh, some said they'd help me take my mind off of it by taking me out on the town, some men were spam-bots and sent randomly generated messages, some men included pictures (some were hot, some were not!), and some sent truly inspiring messages about how life is full of ups and downs and we've all just got to keep going.
i think i'll try to make a "best of" post with some of the best snippets from the messages, because clearly, there are still men out there, men that know how to treat a woman right. men who know how to warm my heart, even if i am just a stranger.
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