i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

enjoy the highlights of the pick-me-up part 1

here are some of the best parts of the best responses that i got for my ad, you should really take the time to read them all, it was redemption:

Hey there,
First and foremost I am sorry about the way he treated you, I am almost positive you deserved better anyways. You sound very beautiful and I would be honored to take you for a long walk on a moonlit beach after picking you up for a candle light dinner and just have some conversation about who we are, where we going and just try to put a smile on that beautiful face of yours. By the way....Cheer-up, you never know what tomorrow might bring.

I too am just out of a very long relationship and your posting caught my eye and interest.
You sound like your looking for something that I want to give. I will hold the door and be romantic.

whats up girl I just got out of a relationship and am not looking for any thing serious just someone fun to have a good time with I'm a little on the wild side and looking for the same. I look good and am a gentlemen at heart and i guarantee i will take care of you.

Would you be open to someone older, gentler and kinder?

I was taught well how to treat someone. Opening the door is just one. Making sure you get inside safe if I dropped you off at your house could count too. No one does that.

I just saw you ad wanted to tell you that YES, there are indeed real, sincere gentlemen out there and I am one of them. I am a year separated now and feel exactly like you do that the EX doesn't know what she had with me (even though she did trade up finacially when she left), and I feel the same sense of loneliness that I would love to get rid of.

Hey there friend. That's the thing about jumping in the deep end - it
takes a while to come up for air when you decide to let go of the
weight that was sinkin' ya. I had an ex who definitely didn't know what
she gave up, but I learned to look at it as this: We were great, and
that's good, but we tend to move up in this world, so the reason we're
not together anymore is because we both deserve someone extraordinary.
You'll get that extraordinary someone. Don't even worry about it

To cheer you up, I'd simply make you laugh just to put a smile on your face in hopes that it would make you forget about the past and think about whats now.

I am truely one of the last of the good guys and out of a lousy relationship. Looking for a great person with a lot to offer, as I do and willing to give.

I would love to have a chance at restoring your optimism in relationships and love. I am just out of a bad relationship myself where my romantics were not appreciated.

okay, i think i should stop here b/c i know that is already pretty lengthy.... what did you think? besides the grammar and spelling, they were all so very sweet!

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