i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Monday, February 25, 2008


today i went to my local Barnes and Noble and bought myself a copy of The Awakening. i read it in college, and i loved it then. but now, rereading the back-cover, i think i'll fall in love with it all over again.
"tells the story of Edna Pontellier, a young wife and mother. While on vacation, Edna meets the son of a Louisiana resort owner, with whom she gradually falls in love. As she pulls away from her husband, Edna begins to develop a sense of herself as a whole person, with unique wants, interests, and desires. Determined to control her own life, she flouts convention by moving out of her husband's house, having an adulterous affair, and becoming an artist."
if Kate Chopin were alive now, and writing The Awakening all over again, i'd be willing to bet that she'd have more of a dilemma as to whether she could just give Edna the divorce or not. who cares about having Edna move into her own house, but still depending on her husband, what about letting Edna be truly free to start over. i'm going to restart this novel today, i honestly cannot wait, if you haven't read it before, i'd recommend it.


Anonymous said...

Oh I loved that book! I'll have to pull it out and reread it! Good suggestion!

Two Date Diva said...

I love that book too! I read it in college in a Lit class. I still have a copy somewhere, it was such a great story I couln't sell the book back.

