i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

ettiquette for the unmarried


Seth and i spent a long time picking out the fine china from the Kate Spade collection, only to use it once, and now that we are getting un-married, well, we certainly have no use for it. so i called him and left him a voicemail the other night, just to say that we needed to talk.

he called today and we talked. i asked him what we should do about the china, and he said that he would have to talk to his aunt because all of our china is over there at her house...but i think the plan is try to return it, and then split the money.

then i asked about whether or not he had filed the un-marry-ment papers, and he was like, "I haven't had the chance yet, I've been working during daytime work hours, so I haven't gotten to talk to the lawyers yet." and i was like, well, let me know when you do, okay? and he's like "Well, okay, but I am busy, so I will try to fit it in."

then he says, "I've still be thinking about those rings, and I think that you need to give them back so that I can sell them because I mean, I bought them with my money, so I think it is only fair that I should have them back."

me: "i don't agree, i mean, you gave them to me. they are mine."

him: "but I bought them"

me: "but they belong to me. they are mine to keep or sell or do whatever i want with."

him: "okay, well I think we should talk about this more later."

me: "well, i'm going to hold onto them."

when i hung up i just wanted to throw the phone. i had hot tears welling up in my eyes. how does he still have the power to make me feel like sh*t from 4 states away. UGH.

they are not his rings, they are mine. am i wrong?

1 comment:

Tonya said...

That's a tough one. Yes, technically they are a gift and I think you have every right to keep them, but at the same time, will he continue to bug you about it for a long time, and will that affect how you live your day to day life? I'm not sure what I would do either in that situation. Sorry you have to go through that. :(

