i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


i got tagged by Two Date Diva and Princess B to reveal a bit more about myself so while i am still gathering my thoughts about the wedding weekend, i thought i'd go ahead and reveal more about myself.

The rules for this particular game:
-Link to the person who tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
-Tag at least 3 people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
-Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. i stopped capitalizing my name when i was in the 10 grade, i never capitalize it. ever. this also carried into un-capitalizing "I" when i write about myself. i did it to be humble, now i do it because i don't like the way capital letters loom over the other letters, like they're Godzilla or something.

2. i bought a new Betta fish last week, picked out the prettiest one, because i wanted to get a new one for the new townhome, left for the wedding weekend, Lancelot was dead. me=worst fish Mom ever.

3. i hate bread. i will only eat bread when it is proportionately balanced with other things: a sandwich is okay as long as there is enough meat/lettuce/condiments to take away from the breadiness of the bread. i do not enjoy rolls, biscuits, cornbread, toast, and even, dare i say, cake. sometimes cake can be too bready.

4. someone told me that i look like Anne Frank with blonde hair when i was in the 8th grade, i have never forgotten it. and honestly, i can see it.

5. this is listed on the sidebar, but i really do have a baby tooth that will never fall out. it's my upper-right canine-tooth. there is no permanent tooth there to push it out, so i have a little souvenir from my childhood with me all the time. that is, until i get some damn-good dental insurance so that i can get some porcelain veneers.

6. all the names on this blog have been changed for my own peace-of-mind. i came up with Lisa because i love to watch the Simpsons, and Seth because it was the name of the boy i used to like when i was in 5th grade. i hope that this doesn't mean you won't read my blog anymore, but i had to change all the names so that i could write freely and without feeling like i had to hold-back. no one i actually know has been given the link to my "secret" blog, except Carla. she reads it.

i'm tagging:

no one for now.

i have to think about who hasn't been tagged, and who i want to tag!


Two Date Diva said...

Aww sorry about your fish! My friend Colorado Beth once had a fish commit suicide by jumping out of the bowl. (Rest in Peace Salvador) So you're not the worst mommy ever, at least the fish didn't off himself.

Tonya said...

i used to have a betta fish too. for the life of me i can't remember the name. anyway, it died and i got another one and named it the same thing. how original!

love-ly-sa said...

haha! i love that you named it the same thing the second time around!

my old fish's name was Percy and the new one's name is Bruno. in case you wanted to know. :)

and, two date diva, i LOVE that your friend's fish committed suicide, i think that it is HILARIOUS.

