i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

the wedding, tidbits, part I

a lot of my posts have been very lengthy here recently, and it's almost been 1 week since the wedding, so i wanted to post the good bits before they slip away into non-remembrance.

gay makeup guy:
on the morning of the wedding, we got our makeup done by the gayest man i have ever met, Clint, and besides the actual wedding, it was the highlight of my entire day. Clint helped me understand lipstick and foundation and blush (3 things which i am completely alien to-i'm blonde and fair-what color lipstick? - i have problem areas that he told me were simply hormonal and i need to get a sulphur-based spot treatment and they'll clear right up - and blush should never look like you got punched in the face). Clint also complemented me on my figure, my long luxurious neck, my eye color, my legs, it was like God sent him just to give me a little boost that day.

the best thing that Clint said to me while he did my make up, was after i had briefly told him about my current state of becoming un-married, he said
"Well honey, your husband really did lose a beauty."

of course, he says this while he is applying white eye-liner to my lower lid to make my eyes look more open, and of course, i teared up (have i mentioned i am a crier?)

and he says
"Oh no, honey, I didn't mean to make you cry."
and i said "No, i'm crying because you're right, and honestly, my husband never knew he had one."

and it was just a really sweet moment, to hear that someone thought i was beautiful and that Seth had really lost something big when he let me go. and even more sweet, was that Clint grabbed a tissue and dabbed my eyes for me and immediately helped me find something better to talk about.

needless to say, Clint gave me the means to look beautiful that day in more ways than makeup.


Tonya said...

awe, that's very sweet. and you're right...he didn't know what he had.

Two Date Diva said...

Ditto to what SurferGrrl said. However, I do believe that men who let go of something eventually do realize how good it was and then they have huge regrets.

