i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

not to be mean

but this is just one, tiny, insignificant example of why i am glad i was no longer trying to put on a sham marriage. it is a picture of a friend of mine, who i feel like lives in a bubble, and her poor poor husband must have had his manlihood handed over to her when they met in high school. seriously, this guy has no balls (or at least, it is not evident that he does!).

i have tried my best to conceal their identities, but please, just take the time to let this picture soak in.

they have 2 cats and 2 dogs.

there are large, Christmas bows on ALL of the pets.

the pets just want to get the picture over with.

my question is, who took this picture? i don't know, i just don't get it. as i have known this couple for over 4 years now [they've been married for 2 years], i never really felt like they actually knew each other.

anyway. just thought i would share.

maybe i'm having a cynical day because i haven't heard ANYTHING out of ANY of the jobs i have applied for. and now i am out sitting on a limb, all alone, trying to figure out what's next.

and tonight i have to drive home and get a little sleep before i have to get up at 4 am to get in a car with my friend Jeanne and DRIVE to Florida for her wedding on Sunday.

did i mention that i am her only bridesmaid? did i mention that she has been a TOTAL BRIDEZILLA since the day she got engaged in August?!! did i also mention that i entrusted the hemming of my dress to my mother and thus far, she has done a really shitty job of it..........and now there is no time left to go get professional alterations done.....so.....i'm hoping my mother got my crafty grandmother to help with it. i really don't want to have to wear a dress that looks rough at the hem-line, and i especially don't want to deal with what i know will only be hellfire and brimstone if Jeannie thinks it looks shitty. OH LORD.

so, this weekend, while all of you lovely people are living fun lives full of volleyball classes and date-nights and playing with your beautiful children, i will be traveling in an SUV from North Carolina to Florida, hopefully squeezing in time to blog, read, and ignore the fact that while my marriage may have failed (miserably) i am there to support my friend Jeannie as she starts her own journey into married *bliss*.

i think i am also in charge of writing a toast for the reception (something i have always wanted to do!) here's all that i have come up with so far, especially because i'm in a cynical spell right now:

I could stand up here and go on and on about how long we've known each other and how you have been like a sister to me for so many years, but above all, Jeannie and Charles, i wish for you three things. 1-Best of Luck, 2-Abundant love and joy, and 3-Wisdom to recognize God's blessings in your life together. CHEERS!


carlatatetiff said...

i have never been more unjealous in my life.

oh my dear.

Tonya said...

OMG!!! it's like the photo that comes in the photo frame when you buy it at the drugstore. ONLY WORSE!

Anonymous said...

That is a crazy photo! Please let that NEVER be me! Wow.

