i always thought i had lived my life by the book....
now i'm finding that nothing you plan on is certain.....

Monday, December 24, 2007

rocking out

when i was at work today, one of my co-workers, Hector, said "Someone came in looking for you yesterday after you left, it was a guy". i said, "Oh really, who was it? What did he look like?" Hector said "Some guy who looked like Silent Bob from Jay and Silent Bob, and he said he was a geologist and that you were very nice. And when he asked if you were working, we told him that you had already left but that you would be working today. And then we realized that we should've probably not have told him because maybe you didn't know him and maybe he was stalking you, so I really hope he shows up so we can see what he does." me, the whole time: blank faced. "What?! Did he look like if Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons was a real guy and maybe he looked like he lives in his mom's basement and enjoys Dungeons and Dragons?" Hector, the whole time: smug faced and laughing. "HAHA, yep, that was totally the guy, do you think he likes you? I hope he comes back while I am still here working."

Great. just what i need, a work stalker.

i mean, he was a nice guy, don't get me wrong, but he's totally not my type and i don't know if i can handle any more small-talk with him about rocks, gift cards, or the holidays.

i'm trying my very best to be flattered and encouraged that someone came looking for me, but it is also a little creepy and unnerving.

okay, please, look forward to a quality holiday post from me on Christmas, as i am sure i will have plenty of thoughts to reflect upon.

love love, spread the love.

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